Can I Get a Property Tax Loan in Texas Before February 1st?
With the busy holiday season coming to an end, many folks can breathe a sigh of relief. But for Texas homeowners, property tax bill season has just begun. In Texas, property tax bills are mailed each year in October and due by January 31 of the following year. Between the holiday celebrations and expenses, it can be easy to fall behind on your property tax bill by the time the deadline comes around. Fortunately, there are options. Keep reading to learn if you qualify for a property tax loan before February 1st.
The Importance of Paying Your Property Tax Bill on Time
With the January 31st deadline fast approaching, it’s important to pay your Texas property tax bill on time. In Texas, you are considered delinquent if your property tax bill remains unpaid by February 1st of the tax year. Once delinquent, you are subject to a 7% penalty, and from there, interest and penalties continue, with one of the largest penalties coming in July for most counties. Every month that you’re still past due, your rate will increase by another 2%. These penalties can easily add up, which is why a property tax loan can help you avoid paying those additional costs.
Can I Get a Property Tax Loan Before February 1st?
If you do not have a mortgage, the answer is yes – you can get a property tax loan before February 1st. A property tax loan will help you avoid paying any penalties tacked onto your original bill if you were to miss the deadline.
However, property owners with a mortgage cannot receive a property tax loan before February 1st. Instead, you must wait until the taxes have officially become delinquent. Then, on February 1st, a property tax lender can assist you with any paperwork and finalizations for your loan. If this is done, you will still be faced with those initial penalties, but will avoid accumulating additional fees over time. Penalties always accrue on the first day of the new month, so it is best to get a property tax loan before March 1 if you need one.
Talk to Our Team of Professionals Today
If you are interested in getting a property tax loan, but unsure if it is the right solution for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of professionals at Johnson & Starr. Contact us today to get started.