Property Tax Lenders

Property Tax Image

4 Myths about Texas Property Tax Loans

May 8, 2024

Texas property tax loans are often misunderstood. As a trusted property tax lender, Johnson & Starr aims to provide you with the right knowledge to help you determine what is true and what is not. In this blog, we’ll debunk the four most common misconceptions about property tax loans and give you a better understanding…

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Got Hit with the July Tax Penalty? Here’s How We Can Help

July 11, 2023

Texas property taxes are already some of the highest in the nation, and when your county starts piling on interest, penalties, and collection fees, it can start to feel almost impossible to get your taxes paid off. Especially after July 1st, when you are hit with the biggest penalty of the year. If this has…

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Why it’s Important to Settle Your Delinquent Texas Property Taxes Before July 1st

May 22, 2023

It’s that time of year again for Texans. The weather is getting warmer, and summer is around the corner. But temperatures aren’t the only thing increasing during this time of the year. If you’re like many Texas homeowners who have fallen delinquent on your property taxes, it can be overwhelming to see the increasing interest,…

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Regulations for Property Tax Lenders and Why This Matters to You

March 14, 2023

Are you delinquent on your Texas property tax bill and unsure if a tax lender is a trustworthy solution for you? Fortunately, property tax lenders are subject to several regulations they are required to follow prior to, and during the duration of, their business. These regulations protect both the lender and borrower from any issues…

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close up of sign that spells T-A-X next to a small wooden house figure on a table.

What Happens If You Miss the Deadline to Pay Your Texas Property Tax?

January 27, 2023

In Texas, the deadline to pay your property tax bill is January 31st. With this date fast approaching, it’s crucial to get the help you need now if you are unable to pay your bill on time. Continue reading to learn what happens if you miss the Texas property tax deadline and how a property…

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What Happens If Someone Pays Your Property Taxes in Texas?

December 19, 2022

As it gets closer to Texas property tax payment deadlines, the question often arises: can someone else pay my property taxes? The answer is yes. If you are unable to pay your Texas property tax bill, one option may be to ask a trusted friend or family member to help pay the balance for you.…

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Getting a texas property tax loan with bad credit

Can I Still Get a Texas Property Tax Loan with Bad Credit?

September 13, 2022

You might assume getting approved for a property tax loan in Texas is impossible if you have poor or bad credit. While some property tax lenders require a credit check to determine your eligibility for a loan, other property tax lenders, like Johnson & Starr, do not perform a credit check and will not report…

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What to Look for in a Property Tax Lender

March 1, 2022

Getting a property tax loan in Texas can be a simple process completed in just a few days–if you’re working with the right lender. Property tax loans are different than many loan products on the market. Home mortgage loans, for example, require endless requests for documents, numerous inspections and appraisals, and long wait times for…

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