Property Tax Process

Critical Dates for Filing Property Tax in Texas

Critical Dates for Filing Property Tax in Texas

April 15, 2022

If you own a home or commercial property in Texas, it is essential to stay up to date when paying your property tax bill. Texas has some of the highest property taxes in the nation, making it easy to fall behind on payments. If you miss your property tax bill payment, you will be subject…

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How the May 2022 Election in Texas May Affect Property Taxes

April 4, 2022

On May 7, 2022, voters in Texas will decide whether to lower some property taxes that fund schools in a special election. Property taxes are collected on residential and commercial properties to help fund cities, counties, school districts, and special districts. Because Texas does not tax on income, Texans are charged higher property tax rates…

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Why is My Property Tax Bill Higher this Year?

March 30, 2022

Were you caught off-guard by a higher Texas property tax bill this year? Whether you pay your property taxes directly or you have an escrow account set up with your mortgage, property tax increases can be an expensive surprise. But what makes your property taxes increase? Here are a few of the most common reasons.…

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Understanding the Texas State Property Tax Process

February 19, 2022

There are many great benefits of living in Texas, including no state income tax. However, Texas is known for having some of the highest property taxes in the country. Property taxes are collected on residential and commercial properties to help fund cities, counties, school districts, and special districts. There are several steps along the way…

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