How Do I Stop Property Tax Foreclosure?
In the state of Texas, if your delinquent property tax account is still not paid by July 1st, you are at risk of losing your home to foreclosure. This can be a frightening realization for many homeowners, especially for those experiencing financial problems. Fortunately, there are actions you can take to stop the foreclosure process. Keep reading to learn how a property tax loan can stop the process of foreclosure and save your home.
Put a Stop to the Foreclosure Process
Texas law requires that you are to be served with a lawsuit, should a suit be filed to foreclose on your property. Also, should the foreclosure process reach the point of your property being sold, you will be provided with written notice of the sale of your property before it takes place. Even after that notice is received, there is still time to act. You can stop the foreclosure process prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the Notice of Sale and any additional interest, late fees, and penalties due at that time. In most cases, a property tax loan will allow you to pay off the delinquent amount in full, which will stop the foreclosure process. The benefit of a property tax loan over a credit card is that it offers the convenience of a lower interest rate and repayment on a schedule so you can leave your credit card open for other needs or emergencies that may arise.
Save Your Home with a Property Tax Loan
The good news is that a property tax loan may be able to save your home from foreclosure, but how soon can you get one? The answer depends on where you are in the foreclosure process, but most people who apply for a Johnson & Starr property tax loan can be approved within the same day of application.
A Johnson & Starr loan means no credit checks, no application fees, no home inspections, and no money due at closing. We understand your time is valuable, which is why we offer the option to come to you for the closing, so you don’t have to worry about missing work.
We’re here for you every step of the way. If you need to act fast to save your home, please don’t hesitate to contact us by calling 800-203-9157 and one of our helpful team members will walk you through any questions you may have. If you decide to apply for a loan with us, you can count on our team to guide you through this process even after you close the loan. We’re here to help.
Want more information about foreclosures?
Click here to learn more about the tax lien foreclosure process in Texas.