Paying Property Taxes

How Property Taxes in Texas Compare to Other States

August 29, 2023

Property taxes are constantly brought up as a topic of discussion within Texas politics. Due to Texas’s high property tax rates, Texas lawmakers and residents often wonder if property taxes are too high in comparison to other states. While property taxes may seem higher, there are other factors to consider. In this blog, we will…

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What to Know About the Texas Property Tax Relief Bill Before Voting in November

August 22, 2023

After many months of disagreement, Texas lawmakers finally came to a compromise on Thursday, July 13, 2023, when the Texas House passed Senate Bill 2, advancing the property tax relief bill to Governor Greg Abbott for his approval. This compromise includes an increased homestead exemption and will deliver more than $18 billion in property tax…

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Real Estate Taxes Vs. Property Taxes in Texas. What’s the Difference? 

August 9, 2023

If you own property in Texas, you are probably familiar with real estate taxes, or as some may refer to as property taxes. These two terms are often used interchangeably, however, they have different meanings and are not the same in certain situations. This is especially important for Texans when it comes time to pay…

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Can Bankruptcy Stop Property Tax Foreclosure in Texas?

July 26, 2023

If you have received a written notice that your property is “subject to foreclosure,” or “in foreclosure,” because of unpaid property taxes, you may be wondering if filing for bankruptcy could save your home from foreclosure in Texas. The short answer is yes. But it is important to note that this should be your last…

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What to Do If You Get Sued by the Texas County Tax Collector

July 19, 2023

Are you dealing with a lawsuit from your local tax collector due to unpaid property taxes in Texas? We understand this can be quite overwhelming due to the serious consequences that can come from a lawsuit against you–including the possibility of losing your home. Fortunately, there are a few options that can help you get…

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Got Hit with the July Tax Penalty? Here’s How We Can Help

July 11, 2023

Texas property taxes are already some of the highest in the nation, and when your county starts piling on interest, penalties, and collection fees, it can start to feel almost impossible to get your taxes paid off. Especially after July 1st, when you are hit with the biggest penalty of the year. If this has…

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5 Counties in Texas with the Highest Property Tax Rate in 2023

June 20, 2023

From its rich history, booming market, delicious cuisine, and tax-free income – there are many reasons that motivate people to buy a home and settle in Texas. But what many non-Texans don’t know is that property taxes in the Lone Star State can be high! Due to the lack of personal income tax, counties in…

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3 Resources for Low Income Texans that Need Help Paying Mortgage Payments or Property Taxes

June 12, 2023

June is National Homeownership Month and is recognized for the impact homeownership has on people’s lives and local communities. In honor of this month, Johnson & Starr wants to remind Texans that there are various resources available for low-income Texans who need help paying their mortgage payments and property taxes. Keep reading to learn more…

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Texas Legislature Passes Two Property Tax Relief Bills – What to Know

June 2, 2023

On Tuesday, May 6, 2023, the Texas House and Senate passed two differing property tax relief bills during the first day of the special session after months of negotiating. Both bills are meant to spend money on what is called a property tax compression (lower tax rate) and use $12.3 billion to reduce Texas property…

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5 Counties in Texas with the Lowest Property Tax Rates in 2023

May 31, 2023

As the saying goes, “Everything is bigger in Texas,” and the same is true for property taxes. Property taxes in the Lone Star State are known to be some of the highest in the United States, but did you know some homeowners in several Texas counties pay a property tax bill that is among the…

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